It doesn’t help to be depressed

The guardphone callsFor freedomTim Snyder’s recent publications includeBy Tyrannyhis #1New York Timesthe best,“Strong argument and opinion . . . Buy or borrow this book, read it, take it to heart.” I buy it.
IEconomistyou chosekakistocracy– “a government run by the worst, most incompetent, or most unscrupulous citizens” – to beword of the year.
About the pathological narcissist liar and convicted rapist about to take office and want to putthis manwho is in charge of the Ministry of Defence, could there be any other way?
Best horror movie of the year:Stop Stealing. My bad for not meeting it before the election. January 6th – crusade. Which brings us back to Pete Hegseth, the religious warriorhe.
All that said:
It is useless to be depressed.
Every day is a gift. (We have hot water!)
Whathe cando good:
> Jointhe Indivisible chapter.
> Read ontheirsA Practical Guide to Democracy on the Edge.
> Deposit $100 or $1,000 or $10,000 every month into an account you will soon use to help restore the House and Senate.
> Actively post on social media (thoughtfully, respectfully, accurately). . . criticism where criticism is due; backlash when the other side takes credit for what the Democrats have accomplished, like the infrastructure projects Trump’s team voted unanimously against or the low unemployment and inflation they will inherit.
Editors Note: This article was originally published on December 9, 2024 on, and was compiled with permission.
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