10 Best Places to Earn Money While Traveling

A while back, I wrote that I like to look for money when I walk around. I get a minimum of $50 a year and can estimate over $100 most years (helps to live in Japan where they have $1 and $5 coins). I got an email asking me where are the best places to find coins so here is my top ten list for those who want to try.
Before I start, let me emphasize that if you are doing this to try to make more money, it will not work.
Making Money Traveling Is Not Making Money
Although it may be hard to understand, it really isn't about money. I've had many friends in the past hear about how I can make money and decide to give it a try. They always come back a week later saying they haven't found anything. The truth is, you won't get anything for days. But, if you haven't already looked, when you get the money, you probably wouldn't have it if you hadn't looked. Those who are successful at it see it as a game and treat it as such.
Another thing is that I base this on my experience in Japan. Although I think they will translate very well to those who live in other countries, there will have to be some differences. Part of it is that I travel more in Japan than I did in the US (increasing my opportunities). And without further ado, here are the top 10 places I can earn money:
Top 10 Places to Earn Money While Traveling
10. Sidewalks: Most people don't look at the side of the road when they walk. It's amazing how many people walk around with money just because they can't see it. Keep your eyes on the side of the road while walking and you are sure to find coins.
9. Gutters: This can only work in countries where there are a lot of people riding motorcycles like Japan. Walking on the side of the road to see garbage increases my chances of getting money. Gutters are excellent rain catchment areas. People usually want to get into their cars quickly and often ignore the dropped coins.
8. Crossroads / Intersections: I always look for money when I cross the street. For some reason, it seems to congregate here more than on the streets and sidewalks along most of the road.
7. Train / Subway Stations: Public transit stations are a good place to find fallen coins. People spend money to buy tickets and coins fall here and there.
6. Phones: This was a great place to find coins and would have been much higher on the list if I had written it 5 years ago. With everyone now carrying a cell phone, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find coins near phone booths. However, it still has to be considered as the currency is depreciating and people forget the coins they put in their phone from time to time.
5. Shops: People in stores are going to buy things, so they take money out of their pockets to pay for the things they want. Coins are discarded and not all are available. Keep your eyes open around the sides and corners and you'll find the occasional lost coin. This is especially true at checkout stations at places like Target or Kroger.
4. Parking Areas: If I have the opportunity to cross a parking lot, I do it not to save time or distance, but to look for coins. Parking lots are one of the best places to find coins. This is often the case because people are digging in their pockets for keys and accidentally pull out coins.
3. Self-Paying Parking Machines: I always pay special attention when I pass a parking lot with a self-pay machine as someone exits. This is because most of the time people dig into their pockets and sometimes drop coins on the ground. Most of the time when this happens, the person doesn't even pay attention to it. Instead, they just leave. If this happens and the time is right, that character will be mine.
2. Around Vending Machines: There are a large number of vending machines in most major cities and just looking around will give you a lot of coins over the course of a year. This is especially true in the winter when it's cold outside and people wear gloves (I find more coins in the winter than in the summer), or when it's raining. They have no sense of coins and are more likely to accidentally drop one because of the weather. I'm sure I could find more if I was willing to look under the vending machines (they even make special tools in Japan for people to do that), but I just can't do it.
1. Vending Machine Return Coin Slots: The place where I find the most coins is in the coin return slots of the vending machines. Fortunately, most of them are clear plastic so you can see through them without going down and reach to feel around. As mentioned above, the best time is winter as people tend to wear gloves and don't feel the coins they leave behind.
If you're reading this because you're interested in ways to make money without affecting your lifestyle, consider reading these other great articles:
Clark.com has a great list of 23 easy ways to make extra money.
Go Banking Rates has a great list of some of the weirdest ways to make money.
Savvy New Canadians has a list of 25 apps that help you make money with your smartphone.
Dinksfinance has a list of solid ways to build wealth.
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