Two elderly women from Arizona were shot dead in a car in northern Mexico By Reuters

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Two elderly Arizona women were shot dead in a car along a highway in northern Mexico's Sonora state, local prosecutors said on Friday, adding that they had launched an immediate search for those responsible.
State prosecutors said the women, identified without their last names as Enedina, 72, and Ubaldina, 82, were found in a white Nissan (OTC:) Pathfinder on the side of the highway. The incident was reported around 10:30 am
The women were US-Mexico dual nationals, a local security source told Reuters.
The highway where the women were found, which runs from the Arizona border town of Sonoyta to the town of Caborca, is notorious for violence and the smuggling of migrants seeking better opportunities and protection in the United States.
The two women are from Caborca, prosecutors said in a statement.
National Guard and military officials who responded to the incident found a blue Ford (NYSE: ) F-150 at the scene that had been reported stolen along with an AK-47 and ammunition, prosecutors said.
“Security forces at three levels of government quickly began a search and arrest operation for the gang, with the support of special police from the air and on the ground,” said Sonora state prosecutors.