MINI MEAL MEAL PAY: PB & J, a small bite, low beef, and spaghetti casserole

If you follow me in Instagram or get my personal email email, you know that I’m sick of last week with FLU A. Today is my first day to risen at my normal speed. I wanted to make a small meal of the week but I didn’t feel like I had the power to make 2-3 hours. So I made a single Pre-PrEP mini session instead and Jesse helped me!

I’ve been looking for trying to make a little bit of a home bite. I found a recipe online and I did something else and I was so happy to. And young children love them. I call them with muffins baby.

While making muffins and spaghetti casserole, Jese makes a pb & j of frozer. He and Silas have always been loving and this. We will see how long this batch is lasting. The last one lasted only a few days!

3 bags of a brown soil (I have made 3 pounds in the soil and divide one portion of its spaghetti casserole. I am planning to make all nights.
Spaghetti casserole – This will continue on two foods from the Fund pan! We will work with green beans and household roads. (Mixed with Browned Ground Beef Bee Pasta Sapse and bring it to spaghetti noodles and a mixture of chezi / egg cheese / cheese
A little bites – Recipe comes later this week, hoping!
14 FREEZER PB & JS – Silas and Jesse love to have this simple food and fast food for lunch. Are healthy and more expensive than dishonesty!