How much does Walmart make in a day?

Walmart is the largest retailer in the world, with a significant presence in the United States and other countries. The company operates in a wide variety of retail formats, including discount stores, supermarkets, and neighborhood markets, offering customers a variety of products at competitive prices. As a publicly traded company, Walmart's financials are available for public viewing, including daily earnings. So, you may be wondering, based on this, how much does Walmart make per day?
The answer is: $1.76 billion per day.
Walmart's Annual Revenue
According to Walmart's 2024 10-k report, the company's total sales for fiscal year 2024 were $642.64 billion. This translates to a daily revenue of approximately $1.76 billion. It's worth noting that this figure represents the total revenue earned by Walmart, including all of its business segments, such as Sam's Club, Walmart International and Walmart US. Average daily sales are calculated by dividing total revenue by the number of days in a fiscal year, which is 365.
However, it is important to note that Walmart's revenue does not change throughout the year. The company experiences seasonal fluctuations in its sales, with the highest sales occurring during the holiday season/ the 4th fiscal quarter ending January 31. Therefore, the company's revenue on any given day can vary greatly depending on a range of factors such as seasonality, promotional activity, lawsuits/legal action and consumer demand.
It is also important to distinguish between Walmart's revenue and its profit. While Walmart earns an impressive daily income, the company also has various costs, such as cost of goods sold, employee wages, inflation and overhead costs. These costs are subtracted from Walmart's revenue to arrive at its net income or profit. According to Walmart's 2024 form 10-K, Walmart's net profit was $23.7 billion. Walmart's 2024 Form 10-K is here.
So, How Much Does Walmart Make in a Day?
While determining exactly how much money Walmark makes on a given day would require access to its internal accounting, publicly reported revenue and net income provide a rough estimate of its daily profits. Based on its 2024 annual report and SEC 10-K form, Walmart earned an average daily revenue of $1.75 billion. This is more than the annual domestic product of many nations on islands such as Grenada or Comoros (here). However, it is important to remember that this number can vary greatly due to seasonal fluctuations and other factors, and should be considered as an approximate estimate.
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