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How Does Travel Insurance Work?
Unlike traditional insurance that will require an appraisal, getting approved for travel health insurance will be quick.
Since you will not be required to take the tests, you will receive one of two answers:
Authorized: You are medically approved for insurance and can pay for immediate access.
He refused: You are not medically qualified to take out the policy and must obtain coverage from another company.
But here's the thing: “No Medical” doesn't mean “No Underwriting”, you'll still have real-time underwriting which will include:
- Check the MIB – This will check to see if you have a history with previous insurance companies or have applied for coverage recently.
- Check the MVR – This will be used to determine if you are a reckless or crazy driver. It mainly looks for things like DUI or DWI.
- Prescription Examination – This check will be used to make sure that your statements are consistent with the instructions you are taking.
These reports are used together to determine your insurability based on guidelines provided by the insurance company about what risk is acceptable and what risk is not.
The test free product we have does this in “Real Time”, so while you complete your application you are running background checks.
When you fill out the application you will have an answer as to whether you are approved or not.
It costs you nothing but 5 minutes to find out if you are approved and decide if you want to buy a policy after you get the answer.
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