The TT Club promotes efforts to prevent the loss of containers at sea

The director of risk management illuminates the plans
Written by Terry Gangcuangco
As container losses at sea remain a major challenge in the shipping industry, international cargo insurance company TT Club is actively working with the container sector to reduce such losses.
As an important factor in preventing containers from being lost in the water is to understand the causes of stack collapse and other related incidents, TT praised the World Shipping Council for its annual survey of container losses, which showed a significant decrease in losses recorded in 2023. Importantly, about 33% of the initially lost containers were eventually found.
However, TT's own research emphasizes the important role of climate as a major contributing factor to loss. And, according to the data, preventing the loss of the container involves a complex interaction of various functions.
“In this context, TT has been involved since the conception of the MARIN TopTier Joint Industry Project,” TT risk management director Peregrine Storrs-Fox (pictured) highlighted. “This ongoing work has brought together more than 40 agencies in the industry and government stakeholders in identifying and solving the conditions that lead to incidents like this.
“We have already delivered important guidance on reducing the risk of parametric roll, and the Club will continue to participate in discussions, especially at the IMO (International Maritime Organization), after the study is completed.”
While the main focus is on fleet operations, TT emphasized that everyone involved in the supply chain has a role to play. Ensuring the accuracy of the certified gross weight at the point of shipment, as well as the proper distribution of loads and the safe packing of goods in containers, is essential. Therefore, TT's asset integrity campaign remains a cornerstone of its efforts, along with partners in the Asset Integrity Group.
In the port workplace, the terminal's operating systems must support proper storage on board, using stow planning software to place heavy containers under the desk stack. Storrs-Fox commented: “TopTier research has identified up to a 20% discrepancy between planned stowage compared to actual stowage on board. If you stand for all the jobs, this in itself is scary. “
The TT analysis also identified environmental factors common to several events. While wave height is an obvious concern, wave length and time are considered more important. Wave timing, in particular, can lead to resonances such as parametric roll and parallel roll, contributing to stock roll and container loss.
Additionally, in its pursuit of technological advancements in safety, TT has seen two new solutions developed by Trendsetter Vulcan Offshore. These digital and engineering systems, adapted to the offshore industry, aim to develop predictive and parametric roll monitoring capabilities, as well as re-engineering systems to reduce container movements and stabilize container stacks.
“Ships will never be able to completely avoid the impact of heavy seas,” added Storrs-Fox, following a backlash in the Red Sea that revealed a trip to extreme weather in southern Africa. “As a result, TT, in furtherance of its mission to make the global transportation industry safer, more secure, and more sustainable, continues its efforts in this matter and urges its industry partners to do the same.”
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