Prep Prep Monday: This week’s food (and our menu plan!)

All of you loves the PrEP meal on Monday Post with last week I asked for something else, so I will try to regularly have this as I can!
This weekend, I eat our food restaurants (as well as a few fun things!). It sounds so good to have a day-made food!
What I eat for
Taco meat . . I set aside some of the spaghetti casserole.)
Spaghetti casserole .
Ham & Beans (I had a chemical mixture of beans and the fridge – everything I can find in the past 5 months or more.
Crackers Homemade (This appeared so well – a recipe comes later this week!)
Ninimon Roll Muffins (If you like Cinnamon Roll taste but easily muffins, these are the best options! I will share the recipe soon, too!)
The Balls of Preaondat Preaut Healthy (This was the best life – PB POWDER, AppleSauce, and Protein Powder – that I was surprised to taste like yummy as they did immediately!

The menu program this week
Church – Cracked eggs, chicken sausage, apple / apple / orange / seat orange
Monday – Ham & beans (has been done (has been done), Cornbread of bees, and pieces of apple
Tuesday – Spaghetti Casserole (made), home-made volumes, stolen veggies
Wednesday – Kathrynne’s birthday dinner
Thursday – Just achieve chicken nuggets, home-made bread, tater tots, stolen veggies, AppleSauce
Friday – Taco dishes – Taco meat, rice, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and home tortilla
Saturday – the remainder or pizza frozen

What in your menu this week? Tell us to the comments!
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