Many Millinaires made to start poor

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In a good
In HANS Christian Andreessen’s Classic,Ugly Duckling,The Swan’s egg finds its way in the nest of the ducks. Soon after fondness, other ducks on the farm is bad. They make fun of and reduce the Ugly Duckling with insane. Because it was made to hear like you didn’t have, He fled to the farm.
While sitting aside in another lake, you meet a group of beautiful white birds. The Ugly Duckling realizes how beautiful they were and one day they decided to swim in a beautiful white bird team, hoping they would not avoid him. I was too surprised that they allowed him to swim with them, accept him from their flock.
Then one morning while I was swimming along with her new friends, she happened to catch her in the water and see that she was not a bad medicine behind all – like her friends.
Many are born in poverty and begin as bad sticks. You can feel bad about badly born and let the conditions you be born will control your health problems. Or, you can spend your life in changing your health scenarios – can convert from a bad duck to a good Swan.
In my wealthy cups, I have seen hundreds of bad ducks, people born in poverty, transform them beautiful swans – millions.
Don’t accept your life situations. Take control of your life. Want to be something different. Never stop growing, learning and improving. Surround yourself with other good swans and avoid associating with bad docklings.
With each of us is a good swan waiting.
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