Dave says: Preparing for the future

Dear Dave,
I was listening to your show, and I followed the steps of the children, about a year. But I got some stories from a family member recently, and I’m not sure what to tell myself. One of my cousins just received the cancer. He is a single mother with two young children, and it doesn’t sound like you think more about the future. What are the best steps you can take financially from this point to make sure that his family is protected?
Right of Jackheck
Dear Jacki,
I really sorry to hear about this. Cancer diagnosis is a shocking, so please remember to pray for him and be there at all you can.
Most of the time when people ask if one is organized, they often reflect a few different questions. First, righteous with God? Then, do you have a life insurance and will? Another important thing to have all your life texts are organized and safe in a safe place, so someone trusts you can handle the details in the worst situation.
Everyone should have a good life insurance. My advice is to have a policy worth 10 to 12 your annual money. When it comes to will, be sure to be a direct government. Probate regulations and buildings are not Federal laws, the laws of the country. Therefore, any other will be achieved in accordance with the State Guidelines.
It is probably the hardest thing to think about, I know, but preparations should be made for young children. I sit down and talk to members of two or three family, or close friends, to decide who will take them if the worst is to happen, too. Anyone chosen in this work should be a very mature, caring and willing to love and raise these children as if they are alone.
Good luck, Jacki. I know this is a difficult time for the rest of your family. Be there with each other, pray very much and kiss to each other you can do. God bless you all.
– Dave
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