
My Marchs 2025 (and update for February purposes)

OK, DEVELOPMENT TIME: I felt like I had repeated my goals in February. I had a two trip and was lower of the worldwide fever so I was sure I was definitely that I didn’t actually make a symbol in many goals. But when I was to look at them, I was shocked that I had completed 12 goals and made progress in all other goals!

It just reflects that set up objectives and trying to improve them every day and each week you can really – and often in the ways you expect!

In such a way, if you are new here, in 2025, I change the way I set your goals. Instead of setting the annual goals, I set monthly objectives. Every month, I will be sharing a list of my new monthly objectives and the update of how it can make in branches from the past month.

I felt like this approach could allow further variations of this unexpected and unexpected that this next year you can hold. It also provides a new start at the beginning of the month. And it will allow me to direct the monthly goals and what I don’t know that it is possible to have to catch (means some months I know I will have more time and place).

Separating my goals, using the Aryration and five places I want to prioritize and have my time and time: my own, marriage, Mother, and money.

How about my goals in February

Neither myself

  • 100 hours are imported.
  • Complete the ShereaDStruth Genesis Study and begin the promises of God research.
  • Finish reading Raise your eyes Devotional.
  • Complete 6 books.
  • 30 hours out.
  • 20 workouts.
  • Sleep at 10:30 PM 20 Nights. (I Work With This!)
  • 500 things were perverted. (I didn’t make a lot of money – I blasphemed about 100 things.)
  • Walk in 10,000 steps at least 25 days. (I hit this purpose 10 days. I hope that in March!)
  • Make Home Vanilla.
  • Make Fontaccia made at home (using my Surdough Starter).


  • 2 Night’s Day. (Have one day at night.)
  • 2 days of school.
  • Finish the second show period watching.

For mothers

  • Day for one of three oldest children.
  • Discontinue A small house on prairie.
  • Complete the planning of our Walk Hapking our closet. (I worked for something about this but I didn’t get a lot of theme.)
  • Read the 20th of dedication without How Great Is Our God and young children.

  • Write an introduction and the first chapter of my new book. (I have received an introduction and one of the first chapter is made. I feel like I finally get my line here.)
  • Create a new product in the youth budget.


  • Continue 10% of our income.
  • Keep up over 10% and look at our army for our lease year savings.

I create a tracker to track my progress to these terms every day. I used the grides app last year and worked for me well, but as I did monthly goals, I think about visual Tracker and I will see how it works.

My goals on March 2025

Neither myself

  • 100 hours are imported.
  • Stay in time and learn to study the truth.
  • Complete 6 books.
  • 60 hours outside.
  • Sleep at 10:30 PM 15 Nights.
  • 200 things were distorted.
  • Walk in 10,000 steps at least 25 days.
  • Make Homemade Mayo.


  • 2 Night’s Day.
  • 2 days of school.
  • To end the show of the show of us right now looking together.

For mothers

  • Day for one of three oldest children.
  • Read 10 chapters for Banks in Plum Creek.
  • Complete the planning of our Walk Hapking our closet.
  • Finish reading How Great Is Our God Devotional children.

  • Finish the first chapter and write half the second chapter of my new book.
  • Finish all by introducing our new budget for one hour of the youth product.
  • Choose the higher people with a second round of hiring process of a new role of a new role (possibly monitoring one real assistant to enable you to choose one option!


  • Continue 10% of our income.
  • Keep up over 10% and look at our army for our lease year savings.

I’ve been using printed trackers I’ve got free and made of little wishes in canva and I liked that tracking method! I will repeat again in March!

How did you make your cows in February? Did you set the goals of March?

Free worksheets

Let me help you set, track, and you actually accomplish your goals this year!

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