
How to protect your devices against identification of ownership

Many of us think that we do a good job to prevent calls from other devices against criminals want to steal our data. However, to prevent the ID-ID requires more than only password changes not to click suspicious links. Did you know that criminals can reach home devices, work and public spaces? Even if scammers can’t get their hands on your phone phone, tablet or laptop, can remove your Bluetooth signals and your Wi-Fi network, for example. They can “mirror” your device on their device. This provides access to all your database, which they can use to move fraud and id fraud.

Scammers tactics are becoming more complex, but you are not helpful. Here’s how you can protect yourself and your devices, and what you should do when a victim of being ownership.


The total protection of the equifax

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The total protifax protection is a credit provider of credit and keys designed to help Canadians recognize the signs of ownership fraud immediately.

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Steps to Protect Your Devices

“The first line of protection in relation to devices to use the global code or biometric issued at all times,” said Octavia Howell, Vice-Movember and the information officer at the Equifax Canada.

If you leave your Unlocked phone, or a second, and someone else takes, everything you should do in. “In Cyber ​​community, Hellell said. “So be sure to close those doors and Lock and protect your devices each time. “

Most of us know that our laptops need anti-virus software. In the same way, our mobile devices also need protection. Important Find a anti-virus anti-virus system on your phone and keep it up to date. Make sure you download the apps only by Google, Apple, Microsoft or any applicable program you use.

Be careful using Wi-Fi social networks

Where you use your device and how you access the news of the Internet. Home and operating networks are usually suspended as independent networks that they cannot access. But if you use Wi-Fi social networks, such as a coffee shop or the restroom at the airport, tend to find your information. Making a Simple Search for Google may be okay, but Do not log into your bank account or do financial work with a public network.

“In fact, don’t use an email or anything that requires password signing,” Howell said. “If you find yourself using the example of a Wi-Fi community – for example, you use access to the laptop while traveling – Use a lovely private network (VPN).

Threats of next generation

The Generative or Life Intelligence (Ai) can also renew the skills of threatening players. There have been charged cases of people who receive phone phonetics and videos of loved ones who claim to be in trouble and need money. “To verify such calls, hang or put the phone off and try Contact someone directly.

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