
8 main places of selling designated designer bags to make extra money

Do you want to clear space and sell your used design bags? You might make a really good money to sell used designer bags! Deleting your design bags can be a good way to make extra money. Successfully sell your old bags, bags, tickets, strips, and more, it is important …

Do you want to clear space and sell your used design bags? You might make a really good money to sell used designer bags!

Deleting your design bags can be a good way to make extra money.

To effectively sell your old bags, bags, ticks, clutches, and more, it is important to follow a few important guidelines and tips for more money and have a simple sale tips.

This guide will travel to everything you need to know to sell your used bags!

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Where to sell design bags used

Here are 8 main places for sales of used designer bags.

1. Remag

REBAG is a popular place that allows people to buy, sell, and sell the bags of leaves. Their site includes luxurious bags from products like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, and more.

The site makes the sales process as simple as possible and has an online tool that helps to obtain the number of Designer Funds. This makes the transformation process obvious, so there is a little reliance on the consumer to know they find well.

Also, the company is known for having a good experience of both trader and the consumer in the designated Designer Bag Market area.

Rebag has money if you choose to sell on their website. If you sell your bag directly to the Remag on a fixed price, they charge 15%. If you choose the repair of the loads, the Rebag usually takes 30% -40% commission.

2. The matters

FashiffFile is one of the famous luxury platform for power forces but has an important important difference in Remag. In the Fashfile, you can find handbags, accessories, watches, and jewelry. You can also send your items directly to checked (such as Neiman Marcus Service Desks) and they have the option of selling the body locations or selling online locations.

This publior has been available since 1999 and has a solid reputation of various luxuries.

Flage and has funds. This includes direct sale on a 20% of the 30% sales commission for 30% commission of less than $ 1,000. For the highest items, the commission may vary up to 25%.

3. Realreal

Realreal is an online internet photography that is known for selling pre-luxury equipment. These things may include fashion, jewelry, clocks, handbags, good art, and a home decoration.

The authentication process is strong and confirms that everything is real. They use a professional group who examines everything before being obtained is for sale, and many things even come with the authentication certificate.

The merchants can send their items to receive their goods by mail (they will give you a repayment label to a repayment) or dispose of something in one of their personal shops.

Realreal also has a sales fee, including a 30% -50% commission, depending on the amount of the Fund.

4. Mygemma

MyGemma is a comfortable selling platform known for buying and selling designer designs, jewelry, and other luxuries. You can expect types such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, and more.

Everything is tested to be certified before being written in mygemma. As a seller, he sends your items to mygemma for inspection where they will give you or have purchases or consignment.

Mygemma has a shipping model and charging a 20% commission to the sale.

5. Facebook Marketplace

Facebook MarketPrace is a good way if you want to sell your design bags in your area, however, you can decide to send your bag to the consumer. If you want to get rid of your bags asap and don’t want to cope, Facebook market is a good way.

Sending and selling to Facebook Marketprace is easy and easy. You need to upload photos and description of your designer bag used. No sales fees on Facebook (if you meet in person and sell your face to face no money, but when you use Facebook services, then there is an important fee.

People sell on Facebook all the time and succeed!


EBAY is a great way to sell used designers because you can reach people around the world who search for luxury goods (people buy all kinds of things in eBay again, so you can simply have regular browsers to get your list) to buy.

By eBay, you can choose between the sale of auction style or a list of fixed price. EBAY The Charch of 10% -12% Commission in Sell, and the payment of payment is also used.

EBay is guarantee of authentication, where the guarantee team tests your item before sending it to the consumer. This process helps protect as a seller.


You may not have seen, but you can sell the designer bags used in Etsy. However, there are some important guidelines to remember. Your items must be true not uncontrollable. If your items are false, you can be prevented from Etsy.

You will also need to accurately explain your designer’s baggage status. Etsy consumers expect to be obvious to merchants, so be honest with the symptoms, injury, or imperfections.

Ensure to provide important details such as type, model, size, status, and materials, and any other special information buyer may want to know.

Your Handbag is OLDER THAN 20 Years, It Cold Qintage Ass and Fall Under Its Category Item Category, While May Get You “Vintage” Filter Esping Through Totsy’s Listings.

8. Vestiaire Collective Collective

Vestiae Collective is a global Internet platform for purchasing and selling used designer bags and the highest fashion including clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry. Everything is guaranteed and is a pre-products like Gucci, Hermes, and more.

The merchants can write their own items by sending them to Vestiae Collective, where employees look for authenticity and status. Then, the seller will have a direct sale of the platform app or website.

Photos of Louis Vuitton in bag title topic at the article where to sell the construction bags usedPhotos of Louis Vuitton in bag title topic at the article where to sell the construction bags used

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to common questions by selling the construction bags used.

What can I do with old design bags?

If you are ready to complete your old design bags, you have multiple options. You can use cool special platforms such as the Scriptures, Remag, or with Adfyile. You can also sell yourself by the Popolat My Marketplace, eBay, or Etsy.

Is the old designs important?

Yes, the old design bags can be worthy of something, especially when they come from known products such as Gucci or Louis Vuitton. The bonus points are added when things are in good condition. The amount will also be subject to matters such as Rarity, seek, and age. Limited Edition or Vintage bags can find high prices. Some of the best designer’s funds used for testing are inspected, real, and eBay.

Where is the best place to sell a Chanel bag?

The best place to sell a Chanel bag includes a set of treatment, fashion, mygemma, and remaag. All these areas charge the commission to sell them to their site, but also gets the exact audience you want to buy your wallet.

Where is the best place to sell a bag used in Louis Vuitton?

The best place to sell a bag used in Louis Vuitton includes Realreal and Remag as these sites are known to sell Louis Vuitton. However, if you want to pay high and free to manage sale, you can select an eBay or Facebook market as your sales option.

Where can I sell my designer bag for a lot of money?

EBay provides the highest restoration of your designed Design bag. This is because of the lowly eBay funds and access to their international audience. You can also choose to make auction sale or sale of fixed prices.

Where can you sell designer Designer bags online?

Some of the best designer trading bags include a realreal, a refashion, a fashion, mygemma, Facebook marketplace in accordance with the procedure you want to do with the process you want to do.

How am I always safe when you sell designer bags used online?

I am very commendable to get your guaranteed hand bag and receive proof that you are true before completing the sale in the site. This was actually one of the first sisters when he started selling things online. He has sold a tink object and sent to the buyer. When the buyer welcomed, they said it wasn’t true (although my sister Kwawa). The buyer has received a complete return, leaving my sister without any money or thing.

The best ways to sell the design bags used – a summary

I hope to enjoy my article how to sell the design bags used.

As you can see, there are many good designs for designing used designers according to how fast you want to sell something or how much you want to do.

If you have time, the sale of bidding style in eBay can earn you a good money, especially if you have pieces of Vintage desirable but difficult to find. Otherwise, you can clean your wardrobe and sell directors directly to the online market place in the online experience. Everything depends on how long you want to invest.

What is your favorite site selling the designer bags used?

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