
Peek in February in our house

Welcome to my monthly mail where you did this month at last month in our house! Here is a little momentum in February …

I fly to Kansas next to February to help my parents with Valentine’s feast helped to participate in their church and community year every year. It was a special day to prepare and there are some fun expectations in the evening site!

To learn everything about a feast and all the details, check the deeper based on something I have done on it.

A beautiful Kansas sun!

I was very sick in the middle of the night where I had to fly home. We were able to have my plane changed into the previous plane and took more energy tylenol and wore the mask and I tried to stay away from the family. It was very good to do at home – and definitely, test me that I have FLU A.

I ended in bed sick to most church. Kindly, it was a week when I could cancel everything and just rest!

Jesse and I recorded a podcast for my journey and his trip and Silas to Crossfit training camp that made such a difference in our home. Listen here.

I have made many cooking and baking in February – including doing these simple protein muffins!

Snow and children get two days of snow !! (Yes, please laugh if you live in the north of the ice canceling school in our area!)

I left the story on Instagram about why I didn’t have a fun wedding ring and how much I like my simple ring. Read information about my wedding ring here.

I wrote this in Instagram in February:

A few days ago, two of our children have fought attitudes. They looked unpleasant and closed. There is more and more arguments than normal.

I had a bed early last night because I thought they were probably tired. But they slept in a deep sleep at night and rose up without frustration and unpleasant.

Generally, I felt tired and tired of bad attitudes and all further adjustments and the time you needed. (I know this is a major part of raising a mother or just keeping it real that sometimes reading it is often felt!)

When I wash my face this morning and preparing to start the day, Kierstyn came and asked if I could fix my hair. The truth was told that I wanted to make the excuses why I had few minutes to sit down and let the bows on my hair, but he beat me:

I was sick every week of the week that I had much more work and time sensitive projects to get. Because of this, young children never get one – at the same time and attention to me. And I bet that most of their behavior actually has already been responsible for the attention.

At that time, I stopped doing what I did, sat down and enjoyed all of my hair. And he asked if I could put arrows in his hair and his jewelry? Then Kiersyn, Micah, and I had a dance group.

You guys! It was a mad that just stopped leaving and entering their homeland seemed completely silent and transformed their minds.

I preach the importance of entering our children’s world and cares about what they care, but I forgot my advice during the truly full week.

And young children were screaming at my time with me as they knew.

It reminds me of this measure: “You have not changed the flower that is ready, you install it.”

Who needs more attention and kind attention and “watered” to you today?

This image here represents many, many prayers were answered.

You see, almost every day since the increase, Kath Thynne, a child, praying that they knew and loved Jesus with all her heart. We pray for him to live the Lord that glorifies the Lord. And praying for him to be friends who love Jesus and pointed to him in the Lord.

When he looked at the Colleges that were possible two years ago, we prayed for clear guidance and received the believers community who would be distributed at any time to school.

When he decided to MTSU, he didn’t know one new girl to go there and just knew the few others went there. He and I and I went to the determination before school started and wanted any college service that he could connect. There were a Baptist Colluliate Ministries table (BCM) and they warmly welcomed and eventually talking to them about 30 mins!

They invited her to their church event and showed the first night they don’t know. He got home from the party very happy with the people he met … and kept back!

BCM has become a major part of his college experience and February that we should go to BCM students.

Y’all … was the best thing!

Watching the college students talk about their interests in the gospel and see them in their world compass, in time to sing voluntarily and to her goodness and to teach them for many months.

I came to a party to thank you so much for many prayers, many answered were answered and fired from the next generation of teens and their heart!

Mamas, keep praying for your children. Continue to give them to the Lord. Keep on pointing to them in Jesus and encouraging them not to stay. God’s answers may be different from your child than your child, but he is faithful to answer!

February the largest highlighting of the client’s Getaway and coach of my business, AllISTington, and his clients. All LI has been a very damaged tool in my life and our business since I started training with him and I was very happy to see what God had for me in this regard.

Let’s say, I didn’t disappoint it less! He didn’t only have to laugh and be very happy (that was very good for my soul!), But I should be especially studying with other wise women.

ALLI Zamido event for a lot of fun but also a lot of time to teach and eligibility. I’ve come home renewed and I was expelled by a lot of inspiration in ways to lead my company better.

I am so vastly covering the prayer response that Alli has been in my life! And his tolerance to encourage me to come to the client getaway. I was very left in this podcast about surprising course I have learned in Disney (the trip to Disney can be a deep experience?)

The two are about the same size now and become fast friends. Mika is David’s veteran and David looks continually and reading in Micah.

If you don’t see it, make sure you read my story from a really cool thing that happened in the park in February with David and another little boy with low disease.

And if you need to smile today, make sure you look at this short video for what David did when jesse comes home after a few days in February.

Also, make sure you listen to this episode that I have a new trillia in a brown history of brown year.

Also, to prevent sickness, start taking these Oldberry In February ($ 12. For a few bottle-shipping! I feel like a big ride, but in the big family list.

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